PPT Elite Media Spoke with Lewisville Class of 2024 standout QB, Ethan Terrell.

PPT Elite Head Coach Jordan Pugh on Ethan Terrell: 

“Ethan is a next-level player. He’s got the talent. He’s got the size. He makes big plays. There are intangibles rooted in his upbringing that make Ethan not just a great culture guy to have around, but a leader. Ethan embodies the word ELITE. We’re glad to have him and excited to help him continue to grow into one of the top quarterbacks in the nation.”

PPT Elite Media Staff: Ethan, what would you say sets you apart from other players that are your age? 

Ethan Terrell: I just feel like what sets me apart is my definitely my experience. I don’t think most kids my age (at 15), as a sophomore get to the chance to step on a varsity field and go have fun. 

PPT: What does that take? For a sophomore to jump on and take a leadership role on a varsity team with older guys, how do you think you did when you stepped into that role? 

ET: Stepping in as a freshman and getting put into offseason with the Varsity guys—I was nervous! I had to step up really fast and grow up fast. I was stepping into some big shoes and I had to become a leader and show that I can  help these guys win.  

PPT: What is your favorite part of your game? What do you think that you do really well? 

ET: I would say my playmaking. You know when the play breaks down or if something is not going right, or somebody ran the wrong route…Being able to escape the pocket or have a sixth sense to figure out that I need to make a play. 

PPT: Is there a quarterback, either college or pro, current or past, that you feel like you play like? Is there a guy you’d say I am “this” style of quarterback.  

 ET: I would definitely say like Colin Kaepernick or Cam Newton. Right in there, yes ma’am. 

PPT: Why are those guys a good comparison?  

ET: You know they’re big, athletic. They can run the ball, make plays with their legs. Having a big arm a rocket arm. I feel like that goes with my gameplan and with my style of play.   

PPT: From a mindset point of view and more of a mentality, is there a football player you feel like you identify with? 

ET: I would definitely say Tom Brady. He is a definitely a role model in that aspect. He’s just always about making his teammates better. Always trying to make everybody around him better. He pushes his teammates, but he has an even higher standard for himself.  

PPT: In this past year of high school football, what aspect of your game do you think you most improved? 

ET: The aspect of my game I feel like I have improved the most is definitely my mindset and my composure. I was in a big role and I had to really focus on always keeping my composure. As the season went on, I just got better at staying focused and going out and playing football, one game at a time. And God blessed me to do well and for me and my team to have an amazing season. 

PPT: How has the support of your family impacted your career so far? 

ET: My family is amazing. Their support is everything to me. I love my parents and all they do for me. They’re my rock. They do everything for me. They got me trainers and they just get me whatever I need so that I can be great.  With everything they are right along with me and I love them so much for that.  

PPT: Do you have any siblings?  

ET: Oh, yes (laughs). I have an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. 

PPT: How young is your younger sister? 

ET: She’s 9.  

PPT: Is she a good cheerleader for you at your games? 

ET: (laughs) Yes, ma’am. She lets everybody know, and makes sure they understand, that I’m her brother.  

PPT: This is more of a fun question. What’s something that people might not expect about you? Something people wouldn’t necessarily guess?  

ET: I would say I’m definitely a big reader. The Chronicles of Narnia is my favorite series.  

PPT: (laughs) Yes! Wouldn’t have guessed that. So what drew you to Coach Pugh and PPT Elite? 

ET: Definitely Coach Pugh. Especially with his background of playing in college and then going pro. I felt like he would help guide me in the right directions. He’s a really great person and a great player. I just felt he would help me become a better leader and lead me in the right direction and down the right path.  

PPT: Were you excited when so many of your Lewisville teammates followed you to PPT Elite? 

ET: (laughs) Yes. I told them like this is where we’re going. Come on. Come on down here.  

PPT: Since you’re a QB I have to ask. What kind of recievers are your favorite? 

ET: I’ve always just liked the way Calvin Johnson played or just his build as a receiver. Big, athletic, can go up and get the ball. You know great hands. 

PPT: Physically, you are a taller and just bigger quarterback. How does that impact your game? Does it help?  

ET: I think it definitely helps me take hits. I can take hits better and keep going. And seeing over the O Line is huge. I like being able to see the field.  

PPT: Ethan, you’ve been great. Thanks for talking to us today. We can’t wait to see you on the field again. 

ET: Yes ma’am. Thank you for having me.  


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